Module Information

This module presents techniques for learning derived from a scientific understanding about how we acquire,process and apply information and skills. The module distils fundamental findings from the science of learning into simple, pragmatic methods to improve learning inside and outside of classrooms. These methods include steps to build motivation and conditions for improving learning in both long and short-term contexts. Learners will be introduced to the methods via 12 short videos. By contributing to weekly Zoom sessions learners will see how the methods work first-hand. By engaging in reflective tasks, they will decide which methods can be applied to their own learning in the future.

~ ALS1010 Module Notes


I took this module in AY20/21 Semester 1.

Module Breakdown

  1. Zoom attendance, participation & Forum posts (30%)
  2. 3 Surveys (20%)
    1. In weeks 3, 6 & 11
  3. Learning Plan (20%)
    1. Due in Week 5
  4. Updated Learning Plan
    1. Due in Week 10
  5. Course Reflection Slide
    1. Due in Week 13

This module is CS/CU and does not have a letter grade.


There are no prerequisites for this module.

Module Details

This module teaches us how to learn better and cover the following topics

  1. Holistic Learning Framework
  2. Meta-cognitive Strategies
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Self-Regulation
  5. Motivation
  6. Perfecting Practice
  7. Memory Learning Techniques
  8. Repetition
  9. Interleaving
  10. Making connections
  11. Grit and Resilience
  12. Learning and Sleep
  13. Learning with Others


The lectures are conducted online via Zoom. There are only 8 lectures throughout the whole semester

   dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
   title Module Timeline

   section Topics
   Intro : lesson1, 2020-08-19, 7d
   HLF : lesson1, 2020-08-19, 7d
   Goal Setting : lesson2, 2020-08-19, 14d
   Metacognitive Learning Strats: lesson3, 2020-08-26, 21d
   Self-Regulation : lesson4, 2020-09-09, 35d
   Attention & Focus : lesson5, 2020-10-14, 7d
   Sleep : lesson6, 2020-10-21, 7d
   Collab : lesson7, 2020-10-28, 7d
   Wrap Up : lesson8, 2020-10-28, 7d


Learning Plan

The course provided a template for us to design our own learning plan. These are the parts of the learning plan that we must complete.

  1. Aspirational Goals
    • Lifetime ambitions
  2. SMART Goals
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Achievable
    • Relevant
    • Time-based
  3. Strategic Working Document
    • SMART Goals
    • Plan
    • Implement
    • Evaluate
  4. Calendar
    • Translate our plans into actions

Reflection Slide

For the reflection slide, we are required to reflect on the following and place the information on a single slide.

  1. Key Takeaways from the module
    • What are some changes in our behavior?
    • What are some real-life examples where we can apply the learning strategies we learnt?
    • How does these strategies fit into the Holistic Learning Framework?
  2. Reflection
    • What was our state of learning before this module?
    • What have we learnt in this module?
    • What sources of motivation did we gain?
    • Where can we apply these strategies in real life?
  3. Acknowledgements (Optional)


Workload (6/10) Moderate

I feel that as a 2 MC module, the workload is quite high. There are weekly zoom meetings and videos to watch. There are also deadlines that we have to meet for the learning plan and reflection slide.

Organization (8/10)

The module was quite well organized. Each topic is somewhat related to the previous topic and the topics are arranged in a logical order.

Learning (9/10)

I feel that I have learnt a lot from this module. These strategies are very useful and I have been applying them to my other modules as well. If you have some spare MCs to clear in year 1, I would recommend this module and apply these techniques for your other modules.

Enjoyment (6/10)

I felt that the module was quite enjoyable. However, due to my other commitments, this module resulted in me skipping dinner every week.

Usefulness (10/10)

The content of this module is very useful. I have been applying these techniques to my other modules and I feel that I have been learning better. I would recommend this module to anyone who has some spare MCs to clear.

Overall (8/10)

Overall, I feel that this module is very useful and I have been applying these techniques to my other modules. If you have some spare MCs to clear in year 1, I would recommend this module and apply these techniques for your other modules.

  1. NUSMods

Other Reviews

  2. Chloe’s Review