There have been many blog posts out there which discusses whether we should S/U our modules or not. However, we can also take mods which are S/U by default without wasting our precious S/U slots.

I have compiled a list of modules that I have taken and their respective grades. I hope that this guide will help you in your decision making process.

Please do let me know if there are other modules which I missed out on linkedin.

For each of the modules, I will include the following information:

  1. Course Information
  2. Prerequisites
  3. How to register (If there are any special steps)
  4. Useful Links

CFG Modules

Many of the CFG modules do not have the level-1000 course limit applied to them. To see the full list of the courses, visit the Degree Requirements Page

CFG1002 Career Catalyst (2 MC)

Course Information

Course Duration

  • The course lasts for 6 weeks (Half a semester)


  • Write a resume and upload to VMock
  • Attend all the sessions and talks

Note: For Year 1 Business students, you will have to complete your STR1000 requirements first

How to register

  1. Visit the Official CFG Page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom.
  3. Click on your faculty and fill up the form.
  4. Submit the form and wait for their reply.
  1. NUSMods CFG1002
  2. Official CFG Page

CFG1003 Financial Well Being - Introduction (0 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

Course Duration:

  • The course is an online module which can be completed at our own time.
  • If you want to rush the course, you can complete it in 1 day.

For more information, take a look at my review

How to register

  1. Go to the Official CFG1003 Page
  2. Scroll down to the CFG1003 Section
  3. Click on the Module Request Form button
  4. Fill in the form and submit.
  1. NUSMods CFG1003
  2. Official CFG1003 Page
  3. My CFG1003 Review

CFG1004 Financial Well Being - Art and Science of Investing (2 MCs)

Course Information

The prerequisites for this module is CFG1003 Financial Well Being - Introduction

Similar to CFG1003, this module is also an online module which can be completed at our own time. However, this module is more time consuming as it requires us to complete various assignments.

To see the full details of the module, head over to my review

How to register

  1. Go to the Official CFG1004 Page
  2. Scroll down to the CFG1004 Section
  3. Open the module request form and submit it
  1. NUSMods CFG1004
  2. Official CFG1004 Page
  3. My Review of the module

CFG1500 Women’s Professional Development Programme (2 MCs)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

There are 6 sessions for this module stretched over 8 weeks with both an e-learning and face-to-face components.

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Attendance
  2. Assessments
    1. Submission of Group project 60%
      1. Interview Summary 10%
      2. Review session with mentor and submission of concept board 10%
      3. Submission of presentation slide and pitch deck 20%
      4. Pitching and Final Presentation 20%
    2. In class participation (Session 3 & 5) 20%
    3. Reflection Paper (Session 4) 10%
    4. Canvas Forum Participation 10%

To pass:

  1. Maintain at least 80% of classroom attendance (4/5 Live workshops)
    1. Should not have < 80% attendance without any valid reason
  2. Submit and complete all assessment components

Note: This module is for Year 2-4 female students.

  1. NUSMods CFG1500
  2. Official CFG1500 Page

CFG1600 CommsLab Public Speaking (2 MCs)

Course Information

CommsLab Public Speaking Course aims to impart public speaking skills training to science students to improve their oral communication skills through a flipped classroom modality, a type of blended learning approach where students will learn essential frameworks required to craft and deliver a pitch through e-learning, apply the learning during in-person practice sessions, and enhance the skills through peer learning and expert feedback. Specifically, students will learn storytelling and persuasive communication techniques to craft a pitch, learn verbal and non-verbal communication skills for effective pitch delivery, practice delivering the pitch in class and receive feedback from their instructor and peers.

~ NUSMods

There is not much other information online on how to enroll for this course.

CFG2002 ID/KH/TH/VN Global Industry Insights (2 MCs)

Course Information

Pre-requisites: CFG1002

  • TH stands for Thailand.
  • ID stands for Indonesia.
  • KH stands for Cambodia.
  • VN stands for Vietnam.

This module runs from 04/12 to 10/12. The program runs concurrently for each country so it is not possible to attend both at once.

The program fee is estimated to be S$1,100 to S$1,300 and CFG will provide support of $1,000 for eligible students.

The module consists of the following:

  1. Company visits
  2. Seminars
  3. Case Studies
  4. Cultural Exposure

How to register

  1. Visit their Official Page
  2. Scroll down to the Program details section
  3. Click on Submit your registration here and fill up the form.
  1. NUSMods CFG2002I
  2. Official CFG2002 Page
  3. Slides for CFG2002

CFG2100 Introduction to Decision-Making in Business (4 MCs)

Course Information

To excel in any commercial role, it is essential to have an integrated understanding of how an organisation works, and how to make critical business decisions, on both a theoretical and practical level. In this course, students will gain experience in making critical business decisions backed by comprehensive business insight, by taking part in a real-time business simulation to run a commercial enterprise in a complex competitive environment. This course provides an opportunity for students who are not from NUS Business school, to gain a foundational level of knowledge and skills in decision-making in business, where students will learn and apply foundational business management strategies and will also acquire critical skills for interpersonal success, including team development, leadership and principled negotiation.

  • NUSMods

This mod cannot be taken by the following

  • BIZ students cannot take CFG2100
  • Have not taken MKT1705X and gotten a D

Taught by Prof Ashok Charan

For more information, you can refer to Russell’s CFG2100 Review.

  1. NUSMods CFG2100
  2. Russell’s CFG2100 Review

CFG2101 NUS Vacation Internship Program (4 MCs)

Course Information

These internships must be of minimum 10 weeks and need not be related to the students’ major or discipline.

Assessment Components:

  1. Work plan Learning Placement Record 10%
  2. Reports 40%
    1. Pre internship Report 20%
    2. Post internship Report 20%
  3. Student Self Evaluation & Program Evaluation 20%
  4. Employer Evaluation 30%


  1. Students who are ineligible for their faculty internship modules may apply for CFG2101.
  2. Students who are graduating in Semester 2 are not allowed to enrol in CFG2101 during the summer vacation in the same AY.
  3. Law students are not eligible for CFG2101 as they are not allowed to read non-law modules for credits in Special Term Part 1 & Part 2.

How to register

  1. Email to using the email subject “[CFG2101] Registration”
  1. NUSMods CFG2101
  2. Official CFG Page

CFG3001 Career Advancement (2 MCs)

Course Information

Pre-requisites: Year 3-4 Undergraduate students

This course is fully online can we can do it at our own pace.

Module Structure

  1. Define your brand
  2. Communicate your brand via your resume and online
  3. Networking
  4. Interviewing skills for graduates
  5. Supercharge your first 90 days at work
  6. Etiquette for the office and remote working


  1. Informational Interview 40%
    1. Evidence of networking invitation
    2. Completion of reflection on an informational interview
  2. Submission of VIPS and online profile 30%
  3. Submission of VMOCK Interview Report 20%
  4. MCQ quiz 10%

Passing Criteria: Complete all assignments

For more information, refer to my review of this module.

How to register

  • Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods CFG3001
  2. Official CFG Page
  3. CFG3001 Review

ALS Modules

ALS1010 Learning to Learn better (2 MCs)

Course Information

This module has no prerequisites.

This module goes over:

  1. Memory techniques to learn better
  2. Rules to build motivation and speed up learning
  3. It also goes over the scientific evidence behind learning and memory techniques.

Assessment criteria

  1. Attendance and Participation 30%
  2. Completion of Surveys 20%
  3. Learning Plan (1st Draft) 15%
  4. Updated Learning Plan (2nd Draft) 15%
  5. Course Reflection 15%

There are no final exams.

How to register

  1. Bid for it during module registration.
  1. NUSMods ALS1010
  2. ALS1010 Notes

ALS1020 Learning to Choose better (2 MCs)

Course Information

This module is not offered any more.

This module discusses cognitive biases that we may have when we are making decisions.

How to register

  • N/A
  1. NUSMods ALS1020

GES/GESS Modules

GES1035/GESS1025 Singapore: Imagining the Next 50 Years (4 MCs)

Course Information

Topics Covered:

  1. Singapore in the World
  2. Population
  3. Economy
  4. Security and Threats
  5. Aspirations and Identities


  1. Open book individual quiz 30%
  2. Group Presentation and Tutorial Participation 30%
  3. Presentation Group Write-up 20%
  4. Critical Reflections 20%

How to register

  1. Bid on ModReg from round 2 onwards.
  1. NUSMods GES1035
  2. NUSMods GESS1025

PLS Modules

PLS Modules are not counted towards the level 1000 UE Limit. They are counted by under the Roots & Wings 2.0 Program under CFG.

They are typically conducted in groups of 25 students and split into 2 halves of the semester.

Students can accumulate up to 8 MCs in the UE space by taking different modules from Root & Wings 2.0.

Each module has approximately 9 contact hours (3 x 3hr lessons) in a semester.

To pass the modules under PLS, students will need to attend ALL sessions of the tutorial.

For more questions, visit the official PLS Page

PLS8001 Cultivating Collaboration (1 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

This module focuses on soft skills on the interpersonal level in terms of more effective working with other people and reaching for better outcomes jointly.

Through various experiential activities (e.g. role-play, negotiation exercises), students learn to understand the importance of collaboration in various settings and to apply basic techniques to help resolve conflicts and to strive for win-win situations when collaborating with other people in task accomplishment.

How to register

  1. Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods PLS8001

PLS8002 Cultivating the self (1 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

This module is designed to help students achieve better self-awareness through the understanding of basic psychological concepts such as self-esteem, social comparison, self-perception and self-handicapping.

Students learn about how they acquire knowledge about themselves, how low self-esteem came about, and what psychologists learned about happiness.

How to register

  1. Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods PLS8002

PLS8003 Cultivating Resilience (1 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

This module focuses on helping students recognize potential self-defeating beliefs and biases, and to overcome those beliefs.

Students will engage in experiential activities that foster positive emotions, engagement with the work they do and the people they interact with, and a positive narrative of their lives. The general aim of this module is to increase students’ awareness of self-limiting beliefs and to equip them with mindsets / behaviors that build psychological resilience.

How to register

  1. Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods PLS8003

PLS8004 Optimizing Performance (1 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

This module focuses on soft skills derived from psychological research for students to better manage their performance level in tasks.

Through various experiential activities (e.g. visualization, attention regulation), students learn to develop a set of skills that will be useful for them to optimize their work performance by setting up effective goals, enhancing productivity, and dealing with the challenges of working in demanding and multi-tasking situations.

How to register

  1. Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods PLS8004

PLS8005 Cultivating Collaboration (1 MC)

Course Information

There are no prerequisites for this module.

This module focuses on soft skills derived from psychological research for students to develop effective interpersonal communication in everyday social interactions.

Through various experiential in-class activities (e.g. role play, conversation planning, speech practice), students learn about useful concepts and techniques for effective communication such as formulating an argument, asking effective questions, active listening, non-verbal communication, attempting a persuasion, and building relationships.

How to register

  1. Bid for it in module registration from round 0 to 3.
  1. NUSMods PLS8005


You can only take up to 8 MCs of DYOM mods within the UE Space (Counted together with IaaS).

All DYOMs are CS/CU Modules

There are 2 possible options for DYOM Mods:

  1. Option A - DYOM via MOOCs
  2. Option B - DYOM via Group Work with Supervision


This is further divided into 2 parts

  1. edX MOOCs
  2. AI For Industry (AI4I)®


This can be done in 4 steps

  1. Enroll in the MOOC through Canvas (Click to view the possible edX MOOCs that you can enroll in)
  2. Obtaining a Verified Certificate as Evidence
  3. This required paying for the course first
  4. Print the Cert to PDF
  5. Submit supporting documents in EduRec (edX)
  6. Follow Verification Instructions

AI For Industry (AI4I)

This can be done in 3 simple steps:

  1. Visit AISG Singapore to find a mod of your interest
  2. Download the certificate once you have completed the module
  3. Submit supporting documents to get the MCs here

DYOM Via Group Work

You can visit the DYOM yammer guide where students and staff can find other like minded people to start a DYOM.

Note: Medicine, Dentistry, LAW, Yale-NUS and SCALE cannot count DYOM Modules

  1. DYOC Official Link
  2. edX MOOCs

Other Mods

CP1008 Learning With Generative AI Tools (2 MCs)

This course aims to prepare students to learn effectively with generative AI tools and how to work with them effectively.

This course is fully held online with self directed learning. Based on the vacancy report, there are 241 slots available during AY2023/2024 and only 31 sign ups, making it a good module to bid for to clear your UE space.


There are no prerequisites for this module.

  1. NUSMods
  2. NUS Vacancy Report

CP2106 Independent Software Development Project (4 MCs)

Orbital provides a platform for students to gain hands-on industrial experience for computing technologies related to students’ own interests. Done in pairs of two, Orbital students propose, design, execute, implement and market their project to peers and faculty. Peer assessment and critique of others’ projects are key components of the modules’ deliverables.

There are 4 different levels of achievement.

  1. Vostok (Beginner)
  2. Gemini (Intermediate)
  3. Apollo 11 (Advanced)
  4. Artemis (Extreme)

There are 5 main deadlines in Orbital.

  1. Liftoff (Project Formulation + Planning)
  2. Milestone 1 - 3 (Peer evaluation + Mentor evaluation of your project)
  3. Splashdown (Poster Presentation + Awards Ceremony)

Some examples of past year project can be viewed from their Official Website.


This mod requires that you have completed CS1010 or its equivalents and have NOT taken CS2103 and its equivalents.

CP2201 Journey of the Innovator (2 MCs)

Innovators practice the art of persuading people to accept changes in how they live—in work, leisure and social interaction. This module’s object is to introduce students to digital innovation, and to encourage them to embark on a personal journey of creativity and challenge. Inspirational innovators will be invited to present topics related to digital innovation, such as successful innovative projects of start-up teams and advanced development teams, innovative approaches such as Design Thinking, and opportunities for innovation, the vibrant intersection of energizing technology trends and new markets. This module will be graded as “Completed Satisfactory” or “Completed Unsatisfactory” (CS/CU).

There are no prerequisites for this module.

Based off the review from others, this module only runs for 4 weeks, with each week involving a guest speaker who will share their experience on entrepreneurship. After each week, there is a reflection on the talk and a buffer dinner.

Reviews of this module

CP3201 Industry Seminar (2 MCs)

The information technology (IT) industry is in an ever changing state of evolvement and innovation. This module aims to acquaint students with the latest Information Technology (IT) innovation, practices, and developments. Prominent leaders and practitioners in the IT industry will be invited to impart their knowledge and insights into the latest IT trends and developments from various industry arenas such as the finance, healthcare, consulting, manufacturing, and entertainment industries. Students’ performance will be graded as “Completed Satisfactory/Completed Unsatisfactory (CS/CU)” at the end of the module based on the coursework.

There are no prerequisites for this module

Based on reviews from others, it involves listening to an industry expert talk about their company and their experience at that company.

Reviews of this module

EG2604 Innovation Programme (4 MCs)

Students will be engaged on a hands-on basis, as they work in pairs under the guidance of a group of faculty members, to create a novel outcome of practical significance. Students identify a problem and propose the solution(s) of which will improve our quality of life. Topics learnt in this module include problem definition and analysis, method of irritation, idea-generation methods and solutions, creativity and innovation, critical evaluation, intellectual property protection, and commercialization of ideas and products with real-life case studies. At the end of the programme, students produce a prototype or a demonstrable system and make a presentation to convince others of the value of the proposed idea, procedure or device. Teams may be formed by the course coordinators. The module is graded on CS/CU basis.


It spans 13 weeks and consists of

  1. Seminars and workshops
  2. Draft sessions
  3. Hands on building
  4. Innovation fair (Final Exhibit)

To view the full information, visit their official website

MKT2711 Marketing Venture Challenge (4 MCs)

Every day new products are created that help fuel new ideas and innovation. Today, marketing helps these ideas become a successful business due to the abundance of digital tools that are available to small enterprises and online marketing solutions that help businesses find the right customers anywhere in the world. This class offers a unique opportunity for enterprising students to develop a marketing strategy to turn their ideas into real, viable businesses. From a marketing perspective, the class will cover digital tools, social media, and mobile marketing solutions to help students formulate their business plans and go-to-market strategies.

For more information,


  • Students must ba under Business Admin and year 2
  • Completed MKT1705
  • Have not completed MKT2414 with D or above


  • Class participation 20%
  • Idea submission 10%
  • Full business and marketing plan 70%

FAS3550 FASS Industry Seminar (2 MCs)

This module will introduce FASS students to the latest industry trends and emerging growth sectors so as to help them gain deeper knowledge and familiarize with evolving work environments. Business leaders and executives will share the industry challenges, innovations and best practices. The seminars will also expose FASS students to a wider repertoire of jobs/companies/industries including alternative options beyond the usual and traditional employers to enhance students’ employability. Lectures comprise a CEO leadership dialogue, a panel discussion on organizational effectiveness, Round table and workshop on global mobility. Students get to meet with industry mentors at company visits and networking sessions.

Based on reviews, it consists of weekly 2 hour seminars for the first 6 weeks of the semester. You can sign up for this module by registering on ModReg.


  • Class Participation 20%
  • Workshop Assignment 25%
  • Reflection Journals 30%
  • Internship Application 25%


  • NUS FASS & CHS Undergraduates only
  • Must have 40 MCs prior to enrolment
  • Must have passed CFG1002
  1. NUSMods
  2. Official Website on CFG

SP2400IN/VN Science & Technology Global Industry Insights (2 MCs)

Course information

The code at the back stands for the emerging market that you will be studying

  • IN for India
  • VN for Vietnam

This course is conducted over intensive study week(s) in an emerging market economy. Through company visits, seminars, networking sessions and various assessments, students will learn what emerging market economies are, the importance of an overseas internship experience, and foreign workplace knowledge and skills. They will appreciate the inter-connectivity between the industry landscape of Singapore and that of India. They will also acquire first-hand experience of learning about the unique characteristics of different types of firms, and the latest trends in the industries that are complementary to the various undergraduate majors in the Faculty of Science.

  • NUSMods


  • Taken and passed CFG1002
  • Completed 1 of HS1401A/HS1401S
  • Completed 40 MCs of modules
  1. NUSMods (IN)
  2. NUSMods (VN)

SP2401 Science & Technology Industry Insights (2 MCs)

This series of topical seminars introduce students to the latest innovations and developments in a range of industries and the career pathways they could undertake. Leading industry experts will be brought in to share their insights and advise students on the knowledge, skills and attributes that are needed to enter and succeed in each field. Complementary field trips will allow students to see how theory is applied in the industrial context. Workshop will provide the opportunity to develop and apply industry-valued transferrable skills, such as the ability to network and plan for their careers, culminating in an actionable career plan.

The module spans 6 weeks and includes

  1. Seminars and panel discussion by industry partners
  2. Company visits
  3. Career preparatory workshop
  4. Networking event to engage with NUS Alumni and industry experts.

For more information, visit their official website


  • Completed CFG1002 or HS1401/2/S/A
  • Completed 60 MCs

SP2402 Science & Technology Industry Insights II (2 MCs)

Course Information

This is a 6 week course that consists of the following:

  1. Seminars and Panel Discussions by industry partners
  2. 2 physical company visits to see the company’s operation first hand
  3. A critical skill workshop that covers the following
    1. Industry Overview
    2. Career planning
    3. Networking Skills
  4. Networking events to engage with NUS Alumni and Industry Experts

You can enroll for this course in CourseReg.


  • Completed CFG1002 OR HS1401/HS1402
  • Completed 40 MCs
  1. NUSMods
  2. Official CFG Page
  3. SP2402 Program Details

SPH3001 Public Health Practice (4 MCs)

This course introduces students to the public health infrastructure and functions in Singapore, as well as provide hands-on exposure to work by way of attachments at selected public health agencies. It allows students to explore career opportunities in public health, develop related essential skills, specifically soft skills such as management of resources, time, money and human, interpersonal relationships, communication and advocacy and provides practical exposure to selected public health careers.

This is only available during special term. Application for Special Term Part 1 and 2 opens in October/ November. Students who self‐source for internship opportunities and would like the internship to be counted under SPH3201/ SPH3001 must inform the course coordinators in advance ‐ requests will not be entertained once their placement in organizations offered by SSHSPH is confirmed


  • Completed 8 MCs of Core Public Health Modules
  • Completed 8 MCs of Elective Public Health Modules

BST3762 Effective Leadership in Action (2 MCs)

Course information

This course is designed to help graduating students prepare themselves for the working world. It deals with topics like Personal Strengths and Effective Interpersonal Relationships, Ethics and Integrity, Leadership styles and practices, understanding Management vs Leadership, etc. A distinctive element of the course is that senior practitioners from businesses and industry co-teach and mentor students through small group meetings and discussions in every class meeting.

  • NUS Mods

The workload are as follows

  1. Class participation (40%)
  2. Personal Journal (20%)
  3. Leadership manifesto & Action Plan (40%)

The schedule of the course is a weekly 3 hour session over the 1st 6 weeks of the semester.


  • All participants are required to present their resumes to and may be interviewed to ascertain their fit and commitment for this module.
  • Preference for the module will be given to students who are graduating.


  1. Must have taken at least 1 internship program
  2. Must have completed at least 1 of their specialization modules
  3. Must be from 1 Business School (Full details in the NUSMods Link)

IT2900 Technical Management and Leadership (4 MCs)

Course information

In today’s complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, technical leaders require both leadership and soft skills to deliver high-quality product and drive innovation. In this course, students will be introduced to foundational theories of leadership and management. Students will develop self-awareness, emotional intelligence, resilience, perspective-taking, empathy and conflict management skills. They will also learn about the importance of psychological safety in teams. Students can expect readings, class presentations, interactions with guest speakers as well as participate in facilitated discussions and self-reflection exercises.

  • NUSMods
  1. NUSMods
  2. CCSGP Page for IT2900
